Provider using centrifuge for Platelet rich plasma shot

P-Shots or Priapus Shots – Legit or All Hype

Men with compromised sexual function or who reach middle age and want to optimize their bodies may have heard of men’s clinics offering P-shots, also known as Priapus shots. These are shots of platelet-rich plasma or PRP harvested from the man’s own body and injected back into the penis. Proponents of P-shots name many possible benefits and improvements in sexual and physical function, but are these legit, or is it all hype? We will go through each of these claims and their validity below.

Before we go there, however, it’s essential to understand more about what exactly PRP is:

While considered experimental in many spheres, PRP or platelet-rich plasma is being used successfully in medicine. Orthopedic surgeons use it as an injection into joints that may be hobbled by osteoarthritis. Dermatologists use PRP to help regrow hair and as a facial injection to improve appearance (think vampire facial). To that end, it stands to reason to some that PRP may enhance sexual function and the health of a man’s penis.

Does PRP Improve Erectile Dysfunction?

While some clinics may tell you that PRP improves erectile function, this is untrue unless there is some placebo effect. Vascular issues most commonly cause erectile dysfunction – that is, the penile arteries that push blood into the corpora cavernosa and create an erection have been partially occluded by plaque buildup. The result is that not enough blood enters the penis to have a long-lasting erection. Shots would not typically address this. However, the placebo effect can be strong, and some men may swear by improved erectile function.

Improvements In Libido

Claims that a P-shot would improve libido likely revolve around the placebo effect as well. Libido can be psychological or physical (typically testosterone). As such, if the patient is not aroused psychologically, they will not be able to achieve an erection physically. With that said, some patients have psychogenic ED and may be reassured by the shot, thus achieving an erection. With the expense of a P-shot, it would likely benefit them more to visit a urologist like those at Georgia Urology for erectile dysfunction treatment options and discuss any potential psychosomatic symptoms.

Improvements In Penile Tissue Health

Here, there may be some truth to the claim. Injecting PRP, our body’s healing compounds, may result in marginal improvement in tissue health at the injection site. These highly nutritious plasma compounds can nourish penile tissue. However, the degree to which the patient’s tissue is diseased is questionable. Typically, we would not expect these benefits to extend beyond a localized improvement that would make little difference in overall sexual function.

Do P-Shots Make You Bigger?

Unfortunately, while claims that P-shots will increase size or girth are rampant on the Internet, this is untrue. We are born with what we have, which we must live with unless we opt for an implanted device to increase length or girth. There may be some temporary increase in girth because of the inflammation and fluid injection into the penis. However, this typically disappears within a week or two after the injection.

The Bottom Line

Unfortunately, P-shots have been marketed as a panacea to sexual health, but they tend to be underwhelming at best for most patients. Patients who are adamant about having a P-shot and who have disposable income should find a qualified and highly skilled practitioner to inject them to avoid any possible side effects.

That said, if penile health is a concern, patients should speak to a urologist to get an appropriate diagnosis and learn more about their options. After all, urologic health is often connected to multiple possible underlying causes or a harbinger of future concerns. A properly trained specialist who understands and treats the whole person is important in disease prevention and lifestyle improvement.