iTind BPH Treatment
"Temporarily Implanted Nitinol Device"
"Temporarily Implanted Nitinol Device"
BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, or an enlarged prostate, is synonymous with aging in men. Approximately 50% of men over the age of 50 and 90% of men reaching the age of 80 will experience symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Most men who experience lower urinary tract symptoms or LUTS are concerned about prostate cancer. Fortunately, in most cases, the symptoms are caused by benign enlargement, not cancer – though these two conditions can co-occur. Don’t let the name fool you, however; prostatic enlargement can be bothersome and even debilitating, especially if left untreated. Due to the ubiquitous nature of this condition, most men have several treatment options. Front line therapies include lifestyle change and medications, but many men opt for minimally invasive procedural solutions that offer 5, 10, or even 15 years of relief.
iTIND is an acronym for a “temporarily implanted nitinol device,” a relatively new BPH treatment that reshapes and widens the urethral opening using a small biocompatible implanted device. Unlike a Urolift, which is meant to be a permanent implant or devices that remove excess prostatic tissue through heat or mechanical means, the iTIND device is removed after about a week. The goal for qualifying patients is to minimize the risks associated with BPH treatments, including side effects of medication, problems with a semi-permanent implant, retrograde ejaculation issues with procedures using heat-based ablations, and the bleeding associated with non-heat-based options.
Using a minimally invasive catheter-based system, the iTind framework – a metal lattice of sorts is placed at the prosthetic urethra in a folded configuration. This is performed in a minimally invasive manner under light sedation and local anesthesia by placing a cystoscope through the urethra – it does not require any external incisions. Over the subsequent week, the metal lattice will unfold and press on the prosthetic urethra in three places, pushing the urethra open. It’s like placing and inflating a balloon to expand the tissue and compress the prostatic overgrowth.
The iTind procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, which means you can go home the same day as your procedure. There are very few physical limitations that patients need to be aware of, but some patients may feel pressure around the perineum, the area between the penis and the rectum Some patients will also experience increased urinary urgency and frequency. Blood in the urine is expected, as is some burning during urination. After the procedure, patients will be scheduled for a follow-up visit after five to seven days. During this visit, the iTIND device will be removed using a specialized silicone catheter. Once again, patients do not have any significant restrictions and can return to their daily lives.
The iTind procedure can be an excellent option for patients who have not had previous surgeries or treatments on the prostate. It represents one of the most minimally invasive options with the fewest side effects. However, it is not for everyone as there is no removal of prosthetic tissue, which means that the procedure is limited in durability. For example, the iTind can be expected to improve symptoms for approximately 3 years before the need for retreatment, while a procedure like a Rezum can offer five to seven years, and a GreenLight laser or surgical procedures like simple prostatectomy can provide up to 15 years of relief. As such, visiting a urology practice with significant experience in all major BPH therapies is essential. In doing so, we can discuss your options, understand your needs, and tailor a customized treatment plan.
If you are interested in the iTind procedure, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our men’s health urologists, who can discuss the various treatment options with you. Most importantly, we want you to understand that prostatic enlargement is normal and treatable. Thus, you do not have to change your lifestyle dramatically to compensate for the condition. Instead, opting for one of the many minimally invasive BPH treatments we offer can be your way back to your former lifestyle.