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Testicular Nodules

Testicular nodules are small, abnormal masses that can form within the testicles. These nodules can be benign or, in rare cases, indicate malignancy.


  • A painless lump in the testicle.
  • Swelling or discomfort in the scrotum.
  • Changes in the size or firmness of the testicle.


Diagnosis of testicular nodules begins with a medical history and physical examination by your child’s pediatric urologist. A scrotal ultrasound will be ordered to assess the nodule. Blood tests may be run to test for tumor markers. If malignancy is suspected, the nodule or testicle will be removed.


Treatments for testicular nodules depend on symptoms and suspected malignancy.

Conservative Management

If the nodule is benign, regular monitoring may be necessary for any changes. Many non-cancerous nodules are removed surgically as well.

Surgical Intervention

When cancer is suspected, the nodule or whole testicle will be removed.


Regular check-ups with your child’s doctor are essential for monitoring changes in the nodule and ensuring effective treatment.


  1. Sangüesa C, Veiga D, Llavador M, Serrano A. Testicular Tumours in children: an Approach to Diagnosis and Management with Pathologic Correlation. Insights into Imaging. 2020;11(1). doi: