Overcoming An Overactive Bladder: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment Options

By Dr. Robert Fisher  Are you one of the millions of men and women grappling with the daily challenges of an overactive bladder, urinary frequency, or urinary incontinence? These issues can disrupt your life, leading to awkward and frustrating situations. At Georgia Urology, our dedicated team of urologists is equipped with a diverse array of […]

Celebrating Women’s Health: Breaking the Silence and Stigma Surrounding Pelvic, Bladder, and Vaginal Care

By Dr. Shaya Taghechian May is Women’s Health Care Month, which reminds us of the importance of raising awareness regarding women’s health issues. At Georgia Urology, we understand the critical role women play in their families and communities. However, in their efforts to care for others, many women often neglect their own health needs. As […]

Women in Urology: The Tide is Turning

Traditionally, male physicians have dominated the field of urology. This comes as no surprise regarding a healthcare specialty we typically associate with problems such as prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction.  However, statistics show things are changing. In 2015, female practicing urologists represented 7.7 percent of the workforce. According to the American Urological Association, this grew […]

Scarless Labiaplasty: A Non-Invasive Game Changer

Women experiencing labial discomfort or challenges due to childbirth, hormonal changes, weight loss, or aging can opt for labiaplasty. One such patient is Audrey. After giving birth to a pair of larger-than-average babies, she began having slight incontinence issues and desired to improve the overall aesthetics of her labia area. She consulted with Georgia Urology’s […]

Georgia Urology Physician Now Offering Scarless Labiaplasty

Patients in need of a convenient and state-of-the-art labiaplasty option have a solution. Dr. Shaya Taghechian, a physician with Georgia Urology, is the only professional in the Southeast offering a specialized, non-invasive, scarless labiaplasty procedure using the InMode device. Women experiencing labial discomfort or challenges due to childbirth, hormonal changes, weight loss, or aging often […]

Treatment and Prevention of rUTI in Women

By Dr. A. Keith Levinson, M.D. Symptomatic, recurrent lower urinary tract infections (rUTI) in women are a common condition for which best practice guidelines related to treatment and prevention have not been well established. rUTi affects women of all ages and is defined as 2 or more symptomatic episodes in 6 months or 3 episodes […]

Urinary Tract Fistula After Hysterectomy: What are the Options?

By Dr. Lambda Msezane Severe continuous leakage of urine is a rare complication after routine hysterectomy. This can be a sign of a fistula between the bladder, vaginal wall, or the ureter and the vaginal wall. A fistula is an abnormal tract that forms between two areas of the body. Keep reading below to learn […]

Interstitial Cystitis: A Painful Bladder Condition

By Jeffrey G. Proctor Historically, interstitial cystitis (IC) was considered rare and has been an under-reported and under-recognized condition.  IC is more common in women than men.  However, more recent studies have shown that IC is more common than originally described.  The RAND Interstitial Cystitis Epidemiology (RICE) study found that up to 7.9 million American […]

Five Different Types of Urinary Leakage

Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common occurrence that manifests with bladder leakage. This condition affects more than 15 million adult women in the U.S. There are five main types of urinary incontinence, each arising from different underlying causes. Georgia Urology treats all five of these types of urinary incontinence, but knowing which one is affecting […]

Why Do Bladders Fall in the First Place?

Dropped, fallen, prolapsed — these are all words used to describe a common condition women experience known as a cystocele. It is scary to think your bladder can fall into the vagina, but it’s common, especially among women who have given birth. Find out more about cystocele and why do bladders fall in the first […]