The Next Generation of Robotic Urologic Surgery

By Dr. Kevin Yang, M.D. Some patients tell me when they first hear about “robotic surgery,” they envision a doctor in a control room far away from the operating theater, lounging away while the robot performs the critical parts of the procedure. I usually let out a sensible chuckle at this because luckily (at least […]

Penile Implant

Aquablation TURP: A Revolutionizing Robotic Surgery for BPH

By Dr. Brent A. Sharpe, M.D. As urologists, it’s not often we get to witness something in our careers that revolutionizes the way we do things. The first time I ever experienced this phenomenon was after performing robotic surgery for prostate cancer. Within 10 years, more 95% of all prostate cancer surgeries in the US […]

The Most Recent Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

By Carl Capelouto, M.D. Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects millions of American men. The effects of ED can be psychologically devastating, not only to the man but also to his partner as well. In particular, the damage to the self-esteem of both partners can be extremely troubling and damaging to the relationship. But the expert urologists […]

What You Should Know About Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

By Dr. Lewis S. Kriteman Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the noncancerous growth of the prostate gland, which occurs normally in men as they age.  The prostate gland surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder and compresses the urethra, which reduces the flow of urine emptying from the bladder.  This often causes voiding […]

11 Questions Men with Erectile Dysfunction Are Too Embarrassed to Ask

Despite the fact that erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a normal part of a man’s life, there are still men who are too uncomfortable speaking to their physician about it. ED is a very common problem for older men, and it’s estimated that half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have trouble […]

What Happens if My PSA Rises After Surgery?

PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, is a protein in the blood produced by the prostate. It is used as an indicator in a man’s blood to determine the health of the prostate. An elevated PSA can indicate prostate cancer, but other non-cancerous issues can cause elevated PSA as well. Two of the most common non-cancerous causes […]

How Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Diagnosed?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a serious condition affecting more than 30 million men worldwide. In addition, 90% of men between 45 and 80 suffer from some form of lower urinary tract symptoms and half of all men will develop BPH symptoms by the age of 60.1, 2 Common Symptoms of BPH Include: Frequent urination […]

Enlarged Prostate: What It Means and How It’s Treated

Millions of men in the United States have an enlarged prostate, a condition that becomes even more common with age. In fact, studies estimate about half of men over 50 years of age have an enlarged prostate, and that number soars to as high as 90 percent for men aged 80 years and older. Causes […]

Kegel Exercises: For Men and Women

Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, which can provide a number of health benefits for people of all ages. Below is some basic information to help you get started with Kegel exercises, whether you are male or female. Kegel Exercises for Women In women, the pelvic floor muscles are responsible for providing […]