11 Questions Men with Erectile Dysfunction Are Too Embarrassed to Ask

Despite the fact that erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a normal part of a man’s life, there are still men who are too uncomfortable speaking to their physician about it. ED is a very common problem for older men, and it’s estimated that half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have trouble […]

Why Do Bladders Fall in the First Place?

Dropped, fallen, prolapsed — these are all words used to describe a common condition women experience known as a cystocele. It is scary to think your bladder can fall into the vagina, but it’s common, especially among women who have given birth. Find out more about cystocele and why do bladders fall in the first […]

Back to School Tips: How to Help with Bedwetting

The start of a new school year can inspire different emotions for children and their parents. If your child is particularly anxious or nervous about school, those worried feelings can often manifest into something more serious: bedwetting. In a highly-controlled environment such as school, it’s hard for children to be able to follow a strict […]

What Are the Different Types of Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a problem that affects 13 million people across all ages and genders. While it impacts a multitude of people, urinary incontinence is more common in women and senior adults. It is an issue that is often temporary and can be caused by a range of underlying factors including congenital issues, obesity, urinary […]

Dr. Sharpe Treats Patient’s Hidden Kidney Stones and Bladder Condition

Richard Head wasn’t aware there was a blockage in his body that prevented his kidney from functioning properly. He also wasn’t aware that there was blood in his urine, as he was not experiencing any pain or discomfort in these areas. Unfortunately, some health issues do not cause overt symptoms until they’ve turned into severe problems. […]

What Happens if My PSA Rises After Surgery?

PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, is a protein in the blood produced by the prostate. It is used as an indicator in a man’s blood to determine the health of the prostate. An elevated PSA can indicate prostate cancer, but other non-cancerous issues can cause elevated PSA as well. Two of the most common non-cancerous causes […]

Bladder Control Tips for Women

Urinary incontinence is a problem for women of all ages, but more common as women grow older. It can also sneak up on women because it can start small and increase gradually over time. If you are having issues with bladder control, there are several solutions. Read about bladder control tips for women. Don’t Be […]

How to Deal with Incontinence

As adults, we expect that having “accidents” is a thing of the past. At Georgia Urology, we understand the self-consciousness and embarrassment people who suffer from incontinence can experience. Luckily, those who suffer from this condition are not alone or without help. Incontinence is a common problem, but many adults find a solution in lifestyle […]

How to Treat a Kidney Stone

Your body’s organ systems work together to keep you healthy and strong, each serving a different but vital purpose in helping your body function. Although many people are embarrassed to think about or discuss their urinary tract, properly caring for the organs in this system can be the difference between feeling great and falling ill. […]

Pediatric Urinary Issues and Care

Common Urinary Problems There are a wide range of potential disorders that can occur within a child’s genital or urinary systems. These conditions are often present from birth, but can also develop during early childhood. With proper diagnosis and care most can be treated early in a patient’s life. Some of the most common issues […]