SpaceOAR™ Prep Instructions

Click here to download a copy of these instructions

The following guidelines are suggested for the day before and the day after treatment.

You have been scheduled for a procedure to insert a biodegradable prior to undergoing radiation therapy. To ensure a good quality and safe procedure, please do the following:

  • If you are currently taking any prescribed blood thinners (e.g. aspirin, Coumadin, Xarelto, Eliquis, Plavix, etc.), you may be asked to stop them prior to the procedure. The amount of time will depend on the specific medication. Please check with the prescribing doctor before discontinuing this medication, for instructions on when to stop and when to resume these medications.
  • One week (7 days) prior to your biopsy, you should discontinue any anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs) such as Motrin, Advil, Aleve, or Naprosyn.
  • If you were given an oral antibiotic to be taken prior to the procedure, please follow the specific instructions from your urologist.
  • This procedure is typically performed with the administration of nitrous oxide (ProNox). You do not require a driver, though it may be recommended.
  • If you were given a prescription for Valium, please remember to fill it out before arriving at the office. However, do NOT take it until signing in on the day of your visit.
  • Purchase one (1) Fleet enema at your local pharmacy. This should be used the night before or the morning of your biopsy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids prior to the procedure.
  • You may eat and drink prior to the procedure, but we recommend a light meal. If you are diabetic, follow your usual diet.

Fayetteville Patients

If your appointment at the ASC is in the morning and you are to follow up with Radiation Oncology (Dr. Rao) on the same day for your planning scan, you will need to purchase two Fleet Enemas — use one the night before and one the morning of your procedure. Starting one hour before the planning scan, please empty your bladder and then begin drinking 24 ounces of water. Please do NOT empty your bladder again until after the scan is completed.

If your appointment at the ASC is in the afternoon and you are scheduled for your planning scan with Radiation Oncology (Dr. Rao) the following morning, you will need to purchase two Fleet Enema — use one three hours prior to your Space Oar and the other one the following morning prior to your planning scan. You will also need to empty your bladder one hour prior to your planning scan and begin drinking 24 ounces of water. Please do NOT empty your bladder again until after the scan is completed.

If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure or prep instructions, please contact the office.